This action-packed animated feature from Quebec follows a fantastic quest to find a missing father and priceless treasure.French Canadian director Nicola Lemay makes his feature debut with this spirited action-adventure.
Twelve-year-old Felix sets out to find his father by travelling from the shores of his Canadian village to the mysterious Darkshadow Island. Accompanying Felix is Tom, a retired sea captain, Squawk, a one-legged parrot, and Rover, a scene-stealing cat who thinks he’s a dog. It takes all their wit and courage to find Felix’s father and save the world from the island’s evil ruler Morgäa. The film is filled with plenty of surprises: magic, secret passageways, hidden treasure and more. Recommended for ages eight and above.Date: Saturday 6 November Time: 2:30pm Price: Adult $21 Concession $18
Age Suitability: All Ages CAPACITY 160 seated in theatre with current COVID restrictions (this is subject to change) BOOK YOUR Pre-screening lunch at Bellbird Dining & Bar call 8711 7077 or email to reserve a table lunch service from 11:30am - Kids Menu available and includes a drink and ice-cream.